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Playboy special

Playboy special

The Czech edition of Playboy magazine was launched in 1991 and quickly became very popular among Czech readers. Playboy not only offers lifestyle articles, fashion trends and interviews with celebrities, but its main attraction is its artistic and bold photographs of famous as well as less-known faces.

In this special anniversary issue of Playboy, we bring you a unique behind-the-scenes look at the photo shoot of our Hot Peppers Playmates. Each of these photo shoots was an unforgettable experience for our participants, full of emotions and challenges. Some of them describe their experiences as challenging, but at the same time overwhelming and empowering.

These moments captured by the camera lens are not only about beauty and elegance, but also about courage and confidence. They show our girls in all their authenticity, which makes these pictures more than just a visual treat - it's a capture of their unique individuality and originality.

We are proud to be part of this iconic symbol of a free mind and confident sexuality. Playboy's combination of fun, elegance and controversy appeals to a wide range of readers and creates unique phenomenon in the media world. Thanks to our Hot Peppers Playmates, we bring this uniqueness to you.



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